segunda-feira, 26 de junho de 2017

Strange thing...

Hey people! This title presents.... A strange thing. Yes, and THIS strange thing is an e-mail in the blogger:

   My dear friend Pedro,
Now I describe my school, Belém. We study Math, Portuguese, OR, science, geography, history, PE, spanish, english, art and religion. We have five subjects every day. My class is 7:30 am at 11:55 am.
 It's very cool! 

My weekly routine!

Hey, now I write about my weekly routine using never, sometimes, usually, always...

                                                   THE GRAPHIC:

                   Never         Hardly ever         Often        Sometimes      Usually       Always
                       0%                25%               50%              70%                85%           100%

          - I always go to school at 7:00 am;
          - I never go home after 12:10 am;

          - I usually have lunch 12:20 am;

          - I hardly ever have dinner after 8:00 pm;
          - I sometimes go home at 11:55 am;

          - I always make my blog ever week! Bye guys!


 Yap, I like broccoli! Strange, probaly ( for you ), but there is.
Today, I  will do about my dislikes and likes food/drinks. Let's go!:

- I like broccoli;
- I like pizza;
- I like hamburguer;
- I like cheese;
- I like soda;
- I like water;
- I like juice ( the most);
- I like bread;

- I don't like palm heart;
- I don't like champingon;
- I don't like tomato ( in pizzas, alone i like.);
- I don't like tomato juice;
- I don't like tonic water.

 And is the end! Bye!

domingo, 25 de junho de 2017

Favorite Dish

 Resultado de imagem para Hi ... People! It's me again! ;)

 What's your favorite dish?
   My favorite dish is...

 White sauce with pasta, chicken and cheese. Yeah...
My father make the food. Just him. And I like it, because is very good. ( But the cheese not is required). My first turn to eat White sauce with [...], I had 6 years old, that is, I eating there is 5 years.

The end!
( The Diff'erent Strokes music playing )

The Pictonary of Food and Drinks

   Hi! How are you?
Now, I will do "The Pictionary of Food and Drinks". In it, you will have some foods and drinks:

PS: If it looks like the title of an old book, goal achieved!

 - Vegetables:   Resultado de imagem para vegetais

- Fruits:            Resultado de imagem para frutas

- Fried foods:   Resultado de imagem para besteiras comidas

- Candy:           Resultado de imagem para candy

- Pastas:           Resultado de imagem para massas

- Meat:             Resultado de imagem para carnes


- Juice:             Resultado de imagem para juices

- Soda:             Resultado de imagem para SODA

- Water:            Resultado de imagem para water

                              The End 

quarta-feira, 21 de junho de 2017

One yellow family

                    Resultado de imagem para homer simpsons hi

 You meet  The Simpsons? They are a cartoon's family. Today I present sentences about they:

- Homer: The lazy father of the family, love of donuts, always achieveding new jobs and adventures.

- Marge: Mother of the family, she has elegant hair and takes care of her three children:

- Bart: The son, man likes to skateboard and  fight with the father ( but they are friends) and more street guys.

- Lisa: The older sister, studious, intelligent and always seeking obvious answers, unlike her older brother.

- Maggie: The youngest sister, a typical litte troublemaker.


Hello guys, how much time that I don't see all of you!
 Then, I speak to my family. 05 sentences about they! :

- In my family have 20 members.

- In my family have exactly 9 girls/women's and 11 boys/men.

- I don't have greatgranpaters, but my eldest grandparent has 83 years.

- My youngest member of family is João, my cousin (10), but my cousin Carolina (25) is a pregnant woman.

- I have 4 grandparents and no one die ( take off my greatgrandparents and members eldest to they )

Then is it, coment your family! Bye!!!

                           Resultado de imagem para happy family