quarta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2017

16 Days Of Activism (part. 2)

Heeeey guys! Now, it's the second part of the program Six Days Of Activism, and it's about the jobs that I chose (questions):


1. Do you think both genders are able to work in the jobs you chose? Yes, I think.

2. Is there any job that is only for men or only for women? Support your idea? No, it doesn't, because all of them are "compatible" for men and women, although some jobs are better for each genre because it attract more clients (unfortunately).

3.Write down at least five human rights that you know. 
   1° All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Endowed with reason and conscience, they must act for any other in the spirit of brotherhood.

   2° All human beings may invoke the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

In addition, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, legal or international status of the country or territory of the natural person, whether that country or independent territory, under guardianship, autonomous or subject to any limitation of sovereignty.

 3° Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

 4° No one can be held in bondage or bondage; slavery and the slave trade in any form are prohibited.

 5° All individuals have the right to recognition as a person before the law.

                        THE END OF THE PROGRAM

segunda-feira, 27 de novembro de 2017

16 Day Of Activism (part. 1)

    Hey! Today, it's a important day, because this blog it's about...

      O.K, sorry for the self-centredness, it's about careers that I want to be.

Resultado de imagem para medico

  1. Doctor, medical   
(No, I isn't a woman).
               Skills: You need to be calm, hability, smart, funny, pleasant and dedicated.

   2. Computer Scientist Resultado de imagem para computer science creator of games
           Skills: Smart, dedicated, a little nerd.

Yes it is.

                                             AND, IT'S THE END. (Of the part.1)

quarta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2017

My favorite games 🎮🎮🎮

Hi anyone! Today, as promised, I speak to you...
              MY FAVORITE GAMES! 

   O.K, the letter is going to be a litte bit more big, because I'm going to be old and my vision is going to be worse.
 Make fun of, it's because I want 😉                              
 Remember, not have order.

    1) Spore      Resultado de imagem para spore
       It's a GENIAL game, because it's about a lot of fases, each one represent one level of our revolution ( Cell, Animal, Tribal, Civilization and Space). The second level is the best. The game it's very cool and deserve a place in my TOP 10.

   2) Naruto Online Resultado de imagem para Naruto Online
     Yeah, I'm fan of Naruto. And the game of it's the game that I more play. It's so cool!

  3) Happy Wheels Resultado de imagem para happy wheels
     THIS is a... Hum, cool game. But, it's so violent, and it's the only reason to not it my favorite.

 4) Color Switch  Resultado de imagem para color switch

    It's a apk for cell-phones, but it's cool.

5) Assasin's Creed Resultado de imagem para Assassin's Creed
  And now, a game for PS4(3) and Xbox One(360).

6) Destiny Resultado de imagem para destiny

7) Franquia Lego Resultado de imagem para lego franquia


segunda-feira, 9 de outubro de 2017

My last birthday!

In my last birthday I make not one, but TWO birthdays! Yeah, because I have two familys (The father's one and the mother's one). But they've A LOT OF PEOPLE: 30. I consider it's too much.

  Then I make two birthdays one to my father's family and one for my mother's family. I rentend a big trampolined and I joked a lot.
 We eat a chocolate/strawberry cake, and celebrity with funny jokes!



 Hey, now i'm speak about my favorite's holiday:

                               ... The CHRISTMAS!

Now you are thinking: You like the Santa? 
 Yeah, this fat litte (big, very big. Sorry SANTA! Not kill me at night after you come down at my chimney) human are cool.

 (Making fun of)
 I like the christmas because ALL my family is present, and the MISTERIOUS FRIEND is very cool, seriously. (No, I'm not thinking about MY presents. Sure not, why you thinking about it? I'm a extremely solidarity). The Santa are cool, the misterious friend too, my family are, but anything win the food. (From now on, you think about I'm fat. I've spirit of fat, but I'm skinny. Thinking well, I don't have the right to talk about Santa...) The food is cool because ALL the people of my family make a different dish, including I! (O.K, I usually make the rice. DON'T LAUGH FROM ME!)
 But I make a good rice.

  Hey, put in the commenters what's YOUR favorite holiday. I see you later!

   Resultado de imagem para papai noel com uma armaA PHOTO SHOT IN MY HOUSE, AT  25th DECEMBER, BEFORE HE READ THIS BLOG

The most perfect blog OF THE WORLD!

THIS is the best blog if you found now, because it's about...


 Yeah! This is a list of my favorite holidays, see it! (Not in the order, for don't cause controversies).

1- Christmas     Resultado de imagem para christmas      Resultado de imagem para christmas

2- Easter           Resultado de imagem para easter

3 - Halloween       Resultado de imagem para Halloween

4 -Labor day Resultado de imagem para Profession day

5 - Mother's day Resultado de imagem para mother's day

6 - Father's day Resultado de imagem para dad's day

7 - Saint patrick's day Resultado de imagem para Holiday Saint Patrick

8 - New Years Day Resultado de imagem para new years day

9 - Kid's day Resultado de imagem para Kid's Day

10 - Thanksgiving Day Resultado de imagem para thanksgiving day

 And the list was finish, buy guys!


quarta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2017

Travel Blog: Asia

Hey guys! I'm climb a mountain.
 But not a simple mountain, but yes the EVEREST.

Yeah, I climb it, and it's so hard and boring, having a lot of difficult, different when you erach at the too  of the rock. It's so cool and high. Very high, with 9.000m!
 Then you remember: You have to go down everything again...

    Resultado de imagem para everest