quarta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2017

The Most Famous People Can or Can't...?

 Hey! How time long I don't post in this blog... But, now, I'm here again! ;D
    Probably, you know Justin Bieber. But he can play the piano? It's the subject I'm talking about. No, not Justin Bieber, BUT what the famous people can or can't do. Let's go!

- Justin Bieber can sing in english and spanish( very well), but he can't sing in japonese, at least I think so not.Resultado de imagem para justin bieber

-Neymar can play soccer, but he can't play the piano well!
( The link of video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8REQvYuG_E)

 - Larissa Manoela can acts and sing, but she not play soccer. Resultado de imagem para larissa manoela

And a celebrity of what I like ( at least, your SONGS I like.), or the unique of what I like of this list:

- Chester Bennington ( Linkin Park singer) can sing, but he can't play the piano.  ( In memorial for he). Resultado de imagem para chester bennington

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