quarta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2017

Oh, Australia!

   Hello anywhere! How long...
In this blogpost, I speak a secret for you... I would like to go to AUSTRALIA. (As if this are important)

 As I have to stop with this jolkes without grace, I've to confirm to you: Yeah, I would like to go to this DANGEROUS country. Dangerous because in this country have a LOT of dangerous animals, as SNAKES, SPIDERS, CROCODILES... But is very cool, principal in Sidney
But we (I and my class-friends) study now the WEATHER in the countries, then...

1. What's the weather like in March (in Australia)? _R: It's Autumn, like snowing, cold_______.

2. What's the weather like in October? _R: It's Autumn, too________________.

3. How hot is it in summer? _R: Wow, it's not much hot, getting at C° 26, not I think before_.

4. Is it usually warm and sunny in August? _R: Yeah, it is________________.

5. What's the weather like in spring? _R: Yeah, it's simmilar summer____.

Bye guys!!!!!!!! For today, it is!

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